Message from the Base Commander

Col Gallinger

September is always an exciting month and looking back we had quite a memorable one here at CFB Kingston.  Our Garrison Family Fun Fest had over 8,000 people in attendance on Sunday. The concert on Saturday night had over 1,500 attendees.  Both the concert and the family event were outstanding successes, thanks in a large part to our sponsors, our outstanding PSP team and a host of dedicated volunteers.

Excellent work so far on the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign!  Just under 500 employees and their families came out for our kick-off breakfast.  Once again, we are striving for 100% canvasing.  Every dollar counts.  You can make a difference locally or to a national charity of your choice.  As one small example, for the price of one cup of coffee a week you could provide school supplies for 15 children.  The work the United Way does impacts our local community, members of the Defence Team and their families.

Moving forward into October, CFB Kingston along with the rest of the nation will adjust to the legalization of recreational cannabis.  With the release of CANFORGEN 151/18 and DAOD 9004-1, the Base is working on guidance for the possession, consumption and cultivation of recreational cannabis within the confines of CFB Kingston.  A Base Standing Order will be published before 17 October.  Please take the time to inform yourself on the new policies.  Just like other currently legal substances, such as alcohol and tobacco, there are health risks that should be considered.  PSP Health Promotions is able to assist you if you wish to learn more.

Finally, as we move into shorter days and later mornings please exercise caution while driving especially in residential and school zones.  Halloween is just around the corner, and on that spookiest of nights please remember to watch for children trick-or-treating.