Message from the Base Commander

Col Gallinger

November is an important month here at CFB Kingston. Firstly, Remembrance Day is our moment to take a pause out of our busy lives and remember all those who served and especially those who paid the ultimate price. Remembrance Day this year is that much more poignant as it marks the 100th anniversary of Armistice. My thanks to all who volunteered to speak at schools and community groups. Sharing our stories of deployment and sacrifice is an important step in maintain our close connection with Canadians.

Also in November, the Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC) comes to an end. The GCWCC helps fund essential services in our local community; services that our members and their families draw upon. Many of you have donated generously and units across the Base have step-up with great enthusiasm. If you have not yet had the opportunity to donate, it is not too late to make a difference. Please join us for the Touchdown BBQ on 23 November from 1200 – 1400 hours at Thompson Drill Hall.

Finally, the Base continues to improve our force protection posture as the security and safety of employees and military members remains a priority. The Base Auxiliary Security Force, with assistance from our local Military Police Detachment, recently conducted training to ensure they can respond to a range of potential scenarios. Going forward we will continue to improve our force protection posture, focusing on readiness and communications.

Lastly, and continuing on the theme of safety and security, I want to remind all that winter conditions will soon be here. Please make sure your car and your driving habits are ready for freezing rain and snow.

Colonel Kirk Gallinger