Message from the Base Commander

Colonel Gallinger addresses the parade. Canadian Forces Base Kingston Change of Command Parade. Reviewing Officer Brigadier General Stephen Cadden, Commander 4th Canadian Division bears witness to the change of command between outgoing Base Commander Colonel Patrick Lemyre and incoming Base Commander Colonel Kirk Gallinger. Jun 14 2018, Thompson Drill Hall, CFB Kingston.

I am deeply honoured to have been named the Base Commander for CFB Kingston. I look forward to carrying on the fine work done by my predecessors, Colonel Lemyre and Brigadier-General Jayne. This is my third posting to Kingston, as I was here as a cadet at the Royal Military College and then as the J5 in the 1st Canadian Division. Coming back to Kingston feels like coming home.

In the short time I have been back in Kingston I have been nothing but impressed by the skill and dedication shown by the civilian and military staff. As I assume command, my four priorities are:

  • Support to the lodger units and the larger Canadian Armed Forces as a whole. This is our reason for being;
  • Look after our people, they are our most important resource and we need to ensure that every member of the team comes to work in a safe and supportive environment. We are an inclusive organization that will not  tolerate any behavior that does not support all of our team members.
  • Maintain and grow our relationship with the community. We are grateful for the close relationship we have with the communities in the greater Kingston area. We want to be known as an excellent neighbor and I encourage all members of the Defence Team to embrace all the opportunities that the region has to offer;
  • Encourage a culture of fun and balance. While we are a mission-focused organization, I encourage everyone to try and have fun and build a culture of balance. Take time to team build, exercise, and most importantly find time to relax and unwind with your family and friends. The job can be demanding, so remember to look after yourself and your subordinates.

Kingston is a great place to serve. I am honoured to return here as the Base Commander and will strive to continue the legacy of Duty with Honour that has been exemplified by my predecessors.

Colonel K. Gallinger
Base Commander, CFB Kingston