Mid Winter Blues

January is often a difficult month for many of us. It’s cold, it’s dark, the holidays are over, and we often take the time at the beginning of a new year to reflect on the past and on our future. Mentally and emotionally a lot of us are vulnerable at this time of year. So how can you help your mental health throughout the year?

Often, the secret to feeling better about yourself and your situation is to invest some time and energy into what makes you feel better. Did you know that visiting a cultural attraction of your choice can boost your happiness?

Well, it can!

  • Visiting a museum or Art Gallery is a positive experience and stimulates positive emotions.
  • It reduces cortisol levels. Being in a museum or Art Gallery actually reduces your stress level which has a positive impact on your overall health.
  • It helps reduce isolation. Museums and art galleries are filled with like-minded people all trying to enjoy an experience together.

So invest some time in your mental health and get out and about!

Check out the KAM website for art galleries, museums and attractions open in January to help with those midwinter blues. https://www.kingstonmuseums.ca/

Karen Young, Museum Manager