National Defence Workplace Charity Campaign

Canadian Forces Base Kingston hosts a breakfast in support of United Way on 13 September, 2021. Members from units all around the base help in serving staff with a pancake breakfast at the Routledge Dining Hall at CFB Kingston, Ontario, with all proceeds going to the United Way.

CFB Kingston is once-again pleased to support the National Defence Workplace Charity Campaign (NDWCC). Money raised is used to fund local health partners and the Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington United Way. The money stays in the community and helps support over 60 programs aimed at improving the lives of some of the community’s most vulnerable.

The CFB Kingston NDWCC campaign kicked-off with a breakfast held on September 13 at Routledge Dining Hall. It was a huge success with over 210 people participating. With ticket sales and donations CFB Kingston generated $2,275.00 for the campaign.

“This year’s goal for CFB Kingston and area units is to raise $200,000 for the NDWCC, which will go to support the local community. I encourage all members of the defence team to consider giving to this very worthy cause during the campaign”; says Maj Ian Bird, CFB Kingston’s NDWCC Chairperson. “As the campaign gets going we have more exciting events to follow. These events and your donations help support local programs, which benefit the whole community, including defence team members and families”.

Units across the base will be holding events in support of the campaign. CFB Kingston’s Logistics Support Squadron (LSS) and Personnel Support Squadron (PSS) conducted a breakfast drive-thru on 24 September 2021. Over 130 breakfast sandwiches were sold, with a total donation of $333.74 to the campaign. As the campaign continues, LSS and PSS will be hosting additional Breakfast Drive-Thru dates on 29 October & 26 November. We look forward to seeing everyone at the upcoming events.

Canadian Forces Base Kingston hosts a breakfast in support of United Way on 13 September, 2021. Members from units all around the base help in serving staff with a pancake breakfast at the Routledge Dining Hall at CFB Kingston, Ontario, with all proceeds going to the United Way.
Logistic Support Squadron at CFB Kingston hosts a drive thru United Way charitable breakfast at LSS maintenance, Building MA36, Sep 24 2021.