New Base Gym Phone Auto Attendant

Calling the Base Gym is now easier and more efficient than ever. Upon dialing local 8752, you will be greeted by our automated phone matrix with various options. Please follow the instructions from the main menu until you discover the information you are looking for. If at any time you wish to talk to a Customer Service Attendant, please press 0. It is that simple and easy. Facility hours, pool closures, and many more features are now available to you with a touch of a finger.

Where else can you find information on facility updates and pool closures? The CFB Kingston Facebook and Twitter pages! They are both quick and easy alternatives to keep you and your family updated.

CFB Kingston’s Facebook page can be found at:

CFB Kingston’s Twitter page can be found at:

We hope you enjoy the convenience and simplicity of the new phone matrix for the CFB Kingston Base Gym.