New Year’s Resolutions

Heather Kotelniski


“To learn something new each day, and to be truly grateful for any new experiences, challenges or people that come way.”





Krista Running-Parker


“Have a healthy baby.”






Leigh Wood Landry

“My resolutions are to walk every day, carry less stress, and take on new adventures and challenges.”






Kylie Castro

“My New Year’s Resolution is to be more ‘present’. Turn off my phone more, turn-off the TV, and focus on fully engaging with my family and friends!”





Marie Frederique Boisvert-Couture

“I do not like resolutions, since they do not work for me. This year, I will try a monthly challenge. Some of them will be just for me and other ones will be joint challenges.”






Terry Telford

“This year, I will focus and prioritize. And write short sentences.”