Wanting to get fit, but struggling to get started? Sometimes this can be the hardest part. There are some obstacles to exercise, but nothing that we cannot overcome if we want it enough.
Feeling exhausted, depressed, stressed? Regular exercise increases your ability to sleep restfully, and dramatically reduces fatigue and increases your energy. Power walking is a great way to start. It’s an exercise that everyone can do, where you can enjoy the nice sunshine and fresh air. It’s also enjoyable to do with a friend and socialize.
Is time your obstacle? The most important part is scheduling the time in your day, and sticking to it. It’s best to exercise in the morning for many reasons. Not only is this the time you are most rested and have the highest energy, it is possible to get up slightly earlier to get it in before work. If you absolutely do not have time for a full exercise session, remember, some is better than none. Dividing your exercise sessions up into smaller increments that are achievable, may be a way for you to accomplish this. And remember, you can get small amounts of activity from simple things like walking everywhere you can, parking your car further in the parking lot, get up every commercial and complete a small task, get exercise with your dog and kids (walking, biking, park, sports activities, games).
It is possible that you are feeling overwhelmed with the idea. Hiring a personal trainer can help you with your direction, focus, goals and support. If you do not have the funds to hire a trainer it is important to start slow, with low impact activities and strength training is important to allow your body to adapt, and decrease the chances of delayed onset muscle soreness. Set yourself small, short term and achievable goals to start, then progress. Consider working out with a friend, who will help you, as you help them for support.
Is pain holding you back? Consult with your Doctor before starting exercise. Possibly physiotherapy or athletic therapy can help assist you in developing better movement patterns and help manage your pain. Some ways to exercise in these circumstances is Pilates, yoga, swimming and aqua fit. These activities are significantly low impact and can assist with you with pain.
Even though there are obstacles to exercise, how we overcome them, and strive forward to achieve our goal is the important part. From there, we can start to develop discipline and lifestyle changes that will benefit us for a lifetime.
Kim Baylis, CSEP-CPT, Fitness and Sports Instructor, CFB Kingston