R-E-S-P-E-C-T, finding out what it means to me…

Respect isn’t something we often talk about, or if we do, we tend to assume there is a universal definition. Finding out what respect means to yourself and others in your life, can improve the relationships you have. Once we learn our individual understanding of respect, we can then start to communicate it to others, and set boundaries to ensure respect is maintained in our relationships. Disrespect can often be the cause of conflict and arguments within intimate partner relationships. If you can gain insight about what respect means to you, it can help you communicate better with your partner, friends, co-workers etc. This can better identify what is needed in that relationship for you to feel like you are being treated respectfully.

  • To get started on discovering what respect means to you, consider these questions:
  • Do you feel like respect is given or earned?
  • How do you know when respect is lost?
  • Can respect be earned back once it is lost?
  • How do you know when someone is acting respectfully towards you?
  • Do you think there are different levels of respect? Why or why not?

It can also be helpful to reflect on how you show respect in relationships as this is likely how you would like to see respect shown to you. Use the chart below to list ways in which you show respect in various relationships. If you don’t have a partner or children, you can choose other categories such as co-workers or family members. We understand and are realistic about the fact that it is not always easy to be respectful. Take some time to think about what gets in the way of acting respectfully. By recognizing that there can be some barriers, we can better prepare and pay attention to them when we notice them getting in our way.

If you have any questions about the below chart and exercise or want to speak to one of our counsellors about your mental health & wellness please contact 613-541-5010 ext. 4811