RECognition – Recognizing the importance of Recreation and its positive impact on the Garrison Community.


Play, in the form of recreation, is becoming increasingly important for all ages. Recreational programs and activities enhance our lives, nourishing us – physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and socially. In September 2021, PSP (Personnel Support Programs) Kingston started yet another fun and unique recreation experience for the children of the Garrison community at the Afterschool ‘Rec Recess’ program. But do not take our word for it. Here is what the Smith family is saying … 

Michelle Smith RN, BScN, Diagnostic and Therapeutic Services Manager at 33 CF Health Services says … The leaders of this program are good people who genuinely care about the well-being and safety of children. They are skilled, patient, amazing individuals who have earned the trust and respect of our boys and ourselves.” 

When we asked the Smith boys what they like most about the ‘Rec Recess’ program, they had lots of answers … the big blocks, space to run, meeting new friends, playing soccer and baseball, and of course, the snacks; fish crackers, bear paws, carrots, apple juice and popcorn. 

This on-Base after-school program is conveniently located in the CFB Kingston Sports Dome and as Michelle points out,   

“There is no better place for kids to run, jump, play, hop, skip (and fall down) than the Dome. Kids need room to play, and our boys get all their energy out! This is a great outlet for the children, who need it more than ever these days. Our boys absolutely LOVE the Rec Recess program.”   

For Colonel Jim Smith (Director, Canadian Army Land Warfare Center CALWC), and his family, 

Rec Recess is an incredibly positive part of their daily routine, an excellent childcare option, and it offers the physical activity that has been missing in their kids’ lives.  

To find out about ‘Rec Recess’ and other programs offered by our CFB Kingston Recreation section, visit 


Kerri Hollywood, MVP+ Ambassador/Recreation Coordinator