Royal Canadian Air Force commemorates the Battle of Britain

Members and veterans of the Royal Canadian Air Force marked the 78th anniversary of the Battle of Britain on Sunday, September 16, 2018, in Kingston’s City Park.  The yearly ceremony honours Canadians who fought with members of the British and allied air forces at a critical moment in world history and was attended by the 416 Wing Air Force Association of Canada, the Royal Military College of Canada, 1 Wing Headquarters and 58 Royal Canadian (Air) Cadet Squadron.

Quick Facts

  • From July to October 1940, pilots, aircrew and ground crew from great Britain and allied countries fought together to defend Britain against the Luftwaffe – the German air force – supported by a vital network of radar operators and observers. The stakes were high and the outcome would be decisive for both parties. Ultimately, victory was won and the course of the war changed.
  • More than 400 Canadian aircrew and ground crew participated and, of the more than 100 Canadian pilots who flew with the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain, 23 lost their lives.
  • Winston Churchill said of the battle, “Never in the field of human conflict has so much been owed by so many to so few”.


“The Battle of Britain is not only an event to commemorate the first true air battle but it is also a moment to recognize innovation. It was the first air battle where radar was used and a full air defence construct was enacted – an example of effectively using the resources available to achieve success.”

Colonel Pierre Viens
Canadian Forces College

“When it comes to marking the Battle of Britain, we are fast approaching a time where there will be no more living veterans left. The responsibility therefore falls on us to ensure their sacrifices and the part Canada played are never forgotten and are passed on to the younger generations.  We owe it to those who came before us.”

Lieutenant-Colonel D.R. Couzens
Commanding Officer of 1 Wing Headquarters

Associated Links

For more information about the Battle of Britain and the commemorative ceremonies held across the country, please visit