Self-Care 24/7 at CFB Kingston

“The healthy know not of their health, but only the sick”  –Thomas Carlyle

This July is Self-Care Month and 24 July (24/7) is Self-Care Day specifically. This is a great time to reflect on and appreciate our health and be proactive in our approach to prevent illness.

What is self-care? Self-care is what you do for yourself to establish and maintain health, and to prevent and deal with illness (WHO, 1998). Self-care can seem like a far-fetched idea and is not typically considered as a part of the formal health care system.

However, consider this … “If the average person sees a doctor 3 times a year for 10 minutes each time (total 1/2 hour), the rest of the time … 365 days x 24 hours – 30 min = 8759.5 hours … is in reality self-care” (ISF, 2018).

During these 8759.5 hours throughout the year we are caring for ourselves without the primary care of a physician and either moving towards health or towards illness. Health is not necessarily a guarantee therefore, consistent self-care is needed to help us move towards health and to recognize early warning signs of any illness, mental or physical.

Effective strategies for self-care are Mental Fitness Exercises (MFE). These exercises are ideal to ensure that self-care is a part of your day, every day, 24/7. Exercises such as tactical breathing, mindfulness, grounding, and positive self-talk, are all self-care options that support your health and resilience.

Below is the Health Promotion MFE wallet card, this card highlights the Mental Health Continuum Model and 4 MFE exercises. This card is a reminder that early recognition of unhealthy behaviours along the continuum and the strategies to combat these behaviours are great ways to reduce illness, promote health, and practice self-care.

How do I get the card?

Your Health Promotion team at CFB Kingston recognizes the specific needs of the military community and is a great resource to help you gain the tools needed to move towards health and away from illness. Follow this link for an outline of the 4 pillars of wellness that Health Promotion CFB Kingston provides year-round

The best part about self-care and health promotion is that you don’t need to start anywhere specific. If you see a topic that interests you, begin there and gather the tools you need to make the changes that you’re seeking and witness the positive cycle continue as you make self-care a priority. 24/7.

Contact the Health Promotion Office for dates and details:
613-541-5010 x 3992



International Self-Care Foundation. (2018). The Seven Pillars of Self-Care. Retrieved from

World Health Organization. (1998). Report of the 4th WHO Consultative Group on the Role of the Pharmacist. Retrieved June 15, 2018, from