September Museum Happenings

Summer Recap:

While the museum has been closed to the public, we’ve still been hosting soldiers in our galleries. From May-August the museum has been the site for the virtual Changes of Commands on Base. In July, the museum was pleased to host the presentation of the new 21EW Regimental Tie and Scarf presented by HCOL James Reid to his regiment, a project that he has worked on for many years. We were also fortunate enough to have the Commander of CTC tour the galleries as well. In August, CFSCE Mercury Co had 40 soldiers tour the museum as well as soldiers from 21 EW.

In the meantime, staff have been preparing the museum for reopening. There are new hand sanitizer stations throughout the gallery as well as a newly designed one way tour/path. Some parts of the gallery will have to remain closed due to the social distancing guidelines in Stage 3 and our interactive game, Improbable Escapes Camp X will remain off limits until it has been redesigned to be suitable for use during COVID. The Mercury Shop has also had some redesign changes to make space for social distancing.

Opening Hours:

As of September 7, the museum is opened Monday to Friday 0900-1300 unless there are changes to the Ontario Stage 3 Guidelines. Closure for Public Holidays will be posted in advance.

The Museum galleries can be visited by ordering a ticket from the Mercury Shop Online Store at Tickets to enter the museum are free but must be ordered a week in advance to allow guests to pre-screen for COVID 19. You will be requested to confirm your COVID status prior to entry. The museum galleries are limited to 50 people at one time.

Mercury Shop:

The Mercury Shop is open for walk-ins with no prior appointment, with no more than 2 people in the store at any one time. Mercury Shop staff can be reached at CFB Kingston Local Extension 5395 or directly at 613-541-5395. Their email address is

C&E Week at the end of October is coming fast and if you need to order anything for C&E week, please submit your order no later than mid-September so we will have it ready for you to pick up by the end of October. We keep a limited amount of stock on hand so cannot meet last minute requests.

If you need medals mounted for Remembrance Day, please make sure you have them to us as soon as possible so we can have them ready for you in time and to avoid the last minute rush!