Spread Some Kindness in August

When you think of the month of August, usually you picture lazy summer beach days, flipflops, bee’s buzzing, flowers blooming and basking in the warm glorious sunshine. While all of these things are very “August-ish”, it might surprise you that August is also dubbed as the Month of Kindness. August is the month of several National and International celebrations, including Happiness Happens Month, National Wellness Month, and International Peace Month. This is why, August has earned the reputation of being he month of kindness! Kindness doesn’t just mean helping others, it also entails being kind to yourself, and caring for nature and the environment. So while you and your loved ones are busy planning your beach days, road trips and holidays (as things open up these can happen again, YES!), maybe you can throw a few of these kindness-a-day ideas into the mix and spread a little happiness throughout the month!












By Martha Leonard
Child and Youth Development Coordinator (including Special Needs Inclusion)