Staff Profile – Kristina Pernar

By Kristina Pernar & Heather Kotelniski

1 – Tell us about yourself…where are you from originally, married, pets? Tell us anything you’d like to share!

I grew up in the Greater Toronto Area where I spent a lot of time playing sports and reading books. After I graduated from Wilfrid Laurier University, I moved to Seoul, South Korea to pursue a life of travel. I lived in Korea for 4.5 years where I met my husband, who is from outside Atlanta, Georgia. We moved to Kingston just over a year ago and recently adopted a ten year old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel from my parents. Similar to our Cavalier King Charles, Jake, the most important things to know about me are that I am persistent in my efforts, quite stubborn, and highly motivated by food.

2 – What made you decide to work at the KMFRC, and what do you like the best about your job?

At the KMFRC I am the employment services worker and I sort of stumbled serendipitously onto this role. For a while I had been settling for jobs as a means to an end for various reasons. When I lived in South Korea, I taught English and very much began to consider my profession as a means to a VISA and life over there. When returning to Canada, my focus was on bridging the gap between teaching and something else, being entirely unaware of what something else was. When I learned of this position, I saw the potential for me to use skills that motivate me as opposed to burn me out. I am happiest at work when my day is mixed with time to research, brainstorm with coworkers, meet with members of the community, and plan resources or programs to help others find their place in a fulfilling career.

3 – What do you do when you aren’t working?

My husband and I like to sit down mid-week and discuss what we want to get out of our weekend. We have a lot of personal goals and hobbies that we pursue. This usually includes drinking lots of coffee, reading and writing, long walks, outdoor activities, cooking/ baking, and visiting with close friends.

4 – What is your personal philosophy on life?

Marcel Proust wrote, “The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.” This has really stuck with me because I believe in those tiny light bulbs that go off in our head when things connect or suddenly fall into place. Personal development is important to me and I feel that the world I see is a reflection of my own eyes, which is ever changing.

5 – If you could steal credit for any great piece of art, song, film, book etc. which one would you claim?

Rather than steal credit for a great piece of art, I would love to borrow Ann Patchett’s talent for writing so that I could write something wonderful of my own. I wouldn’t steal it though, because I am always awaiting her next novel.

6 – If you had a time machine, what year would you travel to and why?

This question always sparks the debate about whether or not to go back and warn people of impending catastrophe or give my younger self a lesson on life. Since I try not to allow the past to impose negativity on my future and my younger self never would’ve listened to my current self, I would most enjoy a trip back to a tropical, prehistoric world to see the Dinosaurs.

7 – Valentine’s Day – Hallmark holiday or most romantic day ever?

When I lived in Seoul, I was introduced to the idea of special days. Valentine’s Day was a time to celebrate your male partner, White Day was a time to celebrate your female partner, and there was even a Black Day for singles to eat black noodles (Jjajamyeon). They also celebrated Parent’s Day, Children’s Day, Arbour Day, Pepero Day (cookie sticks), and so many more. They were fun days celebrated through small gifts of flowers or candy, or by planning dates or activities to spend quality time with others. I consider Valentine’s Day as one of those special days now, it is neither a romantic day nor a Hallmark holiday, but rather a day to remember to set aside time for a special person in your life, which I don’t think needs to be specific to a romantic partner either. They are also great excuses to indulge in chocolates, big breakfasts, or cake.

8- Cupid’s arrow – Weapon of mass destruction, or instrument of love?

It is either both or neither.