Summertime Living  


Summertime often provides a wonderful period of time to focus on the many aspects of our health that keep us feeling good in our daily lives. It offers many opportunities to look after our bodies and reinforce or adopt healthy habits:  

  • With plenty of outdoor activities available right from our doorstep like walking, running, and biking – exercise and movement is calling your name. Don’t forget your sunscreen and water bottle. 
  • With farmer’s markets full of locally grown fresh produce, what we eat and drink can be inspired by the availability of many delicious fruits and vegetables in season. Why not plan a picnic, a BBQ, or a dinner al fresco and enjoy eating a healthy meal with family and friends? 
  • How we manage our stress and sleep habits has been linked to our ability to build strong, resilient bodies. Whether it is taking a mid-morning snooze in a hammock or a meditative break on a blanket by the river, we encourage you to find ways to slow down and take some time to breathe deeply. Your stress levels will thank you for it.

With a little bit of planning and taking steps to focus on healthy lifestyle choices you may begin to notice how good you feel. Taking ownership of our health is something we do for ourselves and with summer nearly here, it has never been a better time to get started. With experts weighing in on exercise, managing stress, eating wholesome foods, and reducing substance and tobacco use, Health Promotion offers you guidance and support in all of these domains – something we have been doing for years. 

Checkout some of these resources to help you have a happy, healthy and safe summer! 

Sun Safety for Every Day – Canadian Dermatology Association  

What Should I Pack in My Picnic Basket This Summer? – Unlock Food 

Food safety tips for barbecuing – 

Take a dip with Parks Canada… in the forest – Science and conservation ( 

Strengthening the Forces: Health Promotion services and contact: 

Strengthening the Forces is a health promotion program designed to assist Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) personnel, Regular and Primary Reserve, to take control of their health and well-being. Maintaining a high level of health improves one’s ability to perform effectively and safely on CAF operations, and to enjoy a high quality of life. Some programs are also available to families and other members of the Defense Team.  



