Taking Care of You

By the KMFRC Staff

Each month, we ask the KMFRC staff a lifestyle question. For September, we asked:
What do you do for self-care/mindfulness/”me time”?

“I lose myself in a great book, dance to upbeat music, or walk by the water (my happy place :)).”

“My favorite Self Care activity would be meditation. I also enjoy time kayaking at the lake”

“I knit / crochet and make different crafts.”

“I read;
I surround myself with family and friends and laughter (laughter is very important and it changes the energy);
I belly dance (again, it comes with laughter);
I listen to music and sing (not very well and sometimes I make up words but no one is around when I do this).”
Nancy I

“I like to take long bubble baths with essential oils and candles. I read a LOT and I like chocolate. Chocolate makes me happy 🙂
I like to listen to nature documentaries and walk in the forest or by the water with my fiancé.”

“Have a bath
Go for a walk at a nature trail
Do a DIY Spa night (face mask, massage, foot soak, nail polish, snacks)
Cook something or bake a special treat! (keeps the mind busy and focused on a task) also has a yummy delicious result!
Have a social movie or games night with friends
Go to a spa or go get your nails done professionally for some alone/me time
Go sit and read at a coffee shop
Go for a drive and pack a picnic, enjoy nature
Make some tea, grab a blanket and watch my favourite TV show (I love Lucy) cause it makes me laugh each time without fail! 🙂
Phone friends or family member that you really enjoy talking to or hearing from.”

“Some of my favorite self-care activities include: spa days without the littles. Nothing like a good ole pedicure without the background music of my children yelling or toys whizzing past my head! If I cannot sneak out the house for a spa day then I bring the spa home and whip up some home-made face masks, soak in a nice bubble bath (with the door locked, so my munchkins can’t burst my peaceful bubble of course) and sip a nice glass of vino!”

“Exercise, Yoga, Meditation, Read, Spend time with loved ones”