Talk the Talk


Dear CCMS,

I don’t feel comfortable talking with my colleagues. They are constantly criticizing management and bickering with one another. I think the workplace is toxic and I don’t know what to do about it.

A good seventy-five percent of the conflicts and complaints that we see coming to the CCMS centre have to do with communication or a lack thereof. It doesn’t take much to create conflict between colleagues: a joke made in bad taste, a criticism or comment directed at a person or group, or a misinterpretation of body language that sends the wrong message.

When you consider that we spend one-third of our lives in the workplace, it is obviously better for both our physical and mental health to work in a place where we can cultivate professional relationships and communicate effectively and respectfully with each other.

If you are having difficulty talking and interacting with your colleagues for whatever reason, contact your local CCMS centre. The staff can provide relevant information to assist or refer you to another available resource, such as a Conflict Management Practitioner.

Another option you might consider is enrolling in our Resolving Conflict Effectively course. This course provides conflict theory that participants can then put into practice through scenario-based learning. This is just one of our valuable courses that provide participants with an assortment of practical skill-sets that can be used to assist with effective communication.

To learn more, please contact your local CCMS office.

Contact number: 613-541-5010 ext 5641

