The KMFRC Community Garden is a Wonderful Opportunity to Make new Friends!

Thinking about warm sunny weather already? How about thoughts about planning to grow a vegetable garden? The KMFRC Community Garden is a wonderful opportunity to develop roots and make new friends!

We invite military families interested in establishing and maintaining a garden for the May to October growing season, to request one of our limited garden plots by contacting starting the week of Feb 27.

Just getting started gardening can be sometimes frustrating but having the right information about what you are going to be growing and how to do it, is half the battle. Details about when and how to get started growing your garden will be available once your registration is confirmed.

Watching seeds from a package germinate or watching a young plant from a garden centre mature into something wonderfully fresh and delicious is amazing and a reward in itself.

Gardening grows more than just food, it grows memories!

Written By April Andrews, KMFRC Volunteer & Event Specialist