The Royal Logistics Service celebrates their 51st Birthday

The Royal Logistics Branch celebrating their 51st Birthday on 1 Feb 2019

The Royal Logistics Service celebrated their 51st Birthday on 1 Feb 2019. CFB Kingston decided to do something different other than the traditional coffee and cake.  CFB Kingston decided to celebrate the logistics birthday with a birthday breakfast that included breakfast burritos, beans, home fries, selection of fruit and of course coffee. Over 200 logisticians from all lodger units at CFB Kingston came to celebrate the event..

The guest speaker was Colonel Harding, Commander of JOSG HQ. In her opening remarks Col Harding addressed the changing world we live in. Currently in the military there are five generations from baby boomers to millennials with all kinds of experience and we are combining our experience with new knowledge as we move into the future. As logisticians we have fabulous trades, “you can’t have one trade without the other”. She finished her opening remarks telling all logisticians that we are innovative, intelligent and we can handle the challenges of tomorrow.

CFB Kingston Base Commander, Col Gallinger welcomed all the logisticians and said “You are the unsung heroes. As operators and commanders our first concern is logistics. You help us do what we need to do”

The opening ceremonies finished with Col Harding and Colonel Gallinger cutting a large cinnamon bun instead of cake, breaking slightly with tradition of coffee and cake and hopefully making way for a new tradition of the Royal Canadian Logistics Birthday “Breakfast”.