To all our KMFRC Volunteers…

With my time as the KMFRC Volunteer Services Worker drawing to a close, I wanted to take a moment to thank each and every one of you for the many ways that you have contributed to the quality programming and services our Centre offers to the CFB Kingston community.

When I think about everything that has been accomplished during my tenure, I am truly astounded! There is so much I could mention, but here are a few highlights:

The volunteer program has expanded, and become more diverse and inclusive.
We have fostered new community partnerships, which have allowed us to run interesting professional development opportunities for volunteers – like Bridging Intercultural Awareness, and Toastmasters public speaking training.

  • More than 35 children are now able to ride a two-wheeled bike unassisted, thanks to our iCanBike volunteers.
  • The Garrison Kids’ Christmas parties have spread holiday cheer to over 630 children and their families each year.
  • The Family Network Program has grown to support more than 300 military spouses.
  • An Infertility Peer Support Group was created.
  • Creative Tuesdays and Coffee Connections have each become a rousing success, with the CRIC filled with participants each week.

These accomplishments are all because of YOU. Your enthusiasm pushed us to work hard, and to develop a dynamic volunteer program which includes all program areas and employees of the KMFRC.

I know that you will continue to build on our successes with Kevin O’Neil, the incoming Volunteer Services Worker. Kevin brings a new and exciting perspective to the role, and I have no doubt that he will be just as inspired as I have been by your dedication to the KMFRC.

I have been blessed to get to know many of you personally, and I thank you for your encouragement and friendship, the many laughs, and the opportunities I have had to learn from you and your volunteer work. I take these lessons with me as I move on to my new role, as the Family Engagement Volunteer Coordinator at the NCR-MFRC.

In true Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) spouse fashion, I will not end by saying goodbye. Instead, I will wish you all the very best and say, “See you soon!”
