United Way Workplace Charitable Campaign with Otter Creek Food Truck


In support of the United Way Workplace Charitable Campaign the KMFRC is offering a special Friday lunch opportunity to the community. Treat yourself to a delicious lunch from the infamous local food truck, Otter Creek, on Friday, September 15th and Friday, September 29th. Everyone is invited to visit the food truck in the parking lot of the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre at 32 Lundy’s Lane from 11am until 1pm. You can pay cash, debit or credit and a portion of the sales will be generously donated back to the KMFRC United Way Workplace Charitable Campaign by Otter Creek Kitchen & Food Truck. Even 100% of your tip will be donated back to the cause!

Electronic payment options are available.

Otter Creek Kitchen and its culinary team pride themselves on creating unforgettable and delicious experiences for you. To learn more about their business and the yummy food options they offer, please visit their website at https://www.ottercreekkitchen.ca/

If you cannot join us on September 15th, don’t worry, they will be back on September 29th, same time and place!

Written by: Breanne Lambert and Sonja Taylor