Untraditional Holiday Traditions

Every family celebrates the holidays in their own way and over time we all develop our own family holiday traditions. Some of the KMFRC staff got together to share their untraditional traditions.

Every year Santa gives our family a board game and we gift the kids a movie. We watch the movie on Christmas Eve, and then play the board game after eating our leftover dinner on Christmas Day. We always have our traditional Christmas dinner on Christmas Eve, allowing us more family time, and less time in the kitchen on Christmas Day.

My late grandfather loved Chinese food. His birthday is on Christmas Eve. We order Chinese every Christmas Eve.

My family and I started a tradition where we created our souvenir t-shirt on December 31st.
We buy a plain white t-shirt for each family member, and with fabric markers, we illustrate our year.
As everyone works on his t-shirt, we laugh at our “non-artistic talents” and discuss the last 12 months.

After cooking all afternoon for Thanksgiving this year, we decided to change things up a bit for Christmas. Instead of cooking all day and then cleaning up for hours after our meal, we are going to follow in Lauren’s footsteps and order Chinese. This year will be the beginning of our new non-traditional tradition.

However you celebrate the holiday season, the staff and volunteers at the KMFRC wish you a very Happy Holiday Season.