Welcome, Information & Integration


To enhance the quality of life in Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Kingston by warmly welcoming new Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) families into the community and providing pertinent information and resources regarding programming offered at the KMFRC and within the local community.

We strive to help Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) families with each step of their relocation. We understand how a posting can be stressful and want to make it a little bit easier. Therefore, we’ve connected with new families by sending emails, making phone calls and facilitating visits to our centre.

Families were given a personalized welcome package and CAF members with a family received a coupon for a free meal at Mary Browns and Papa John’s Pizza during their clearing-in process. This welcome gift was greatly appreciated by the new families.

We created a new digital welcome package to help families prepare for their house-hunting trip and updated our handouts with relevant information for newcomers.

We offer many programs that meet the CAF community’s needs, facilitate integration, increase personal development and increase skill building.

For the first time, last winter, a Spanish workshop was offered to CAF families. People who were planning to go south during the winter, were able to learn some basic Spanish vocabulary and phrases.

We also liaised with other Military Family Resource Centres (MFRC) to find out which relocation services are available for families posted out of Kingston. A database was created to help families who are being posted out to connect with their new MFRC.

In order to celebrate the Month of the Military Child; we partnered with the Centre Culturel Frontenac and the Conseil des Écoles Catholiques du Centre Est to offer tickets to CAF families to attend a puppet show.

We always look for different ways to foster relationships within the community, reach new CAF families and promote our services. Participating in La Foire du Printemps organized by l’École élémentaire publique Madeleine-de-Roybon, Garrison Family Fun Fest, the Franco-Foire and the RMC partner’s fair, allowed us to accomplish this goal.