What is the Kindest Thing Someone Has Done for You?

The kindest thing someone has ever done for me starts right here at the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre. It was difficult to choose, because I have been fortunate to have people around me who love, support, and care for me.

I thought of the time when my old supervisor sat with me while I frantically called every number on base when I lost my only key to my PMQ while my partner was deployed. I thought of the time when my partner’s parents called locksmiths and advocated for me so I could finally enter my PMQ. I thought of the numerous times my family had been by my side and provided unconditional love.

But, I was brought back to the first day at the KMFRC. I remember my fresh start at the KMFRC, being new and wide-eyed. I remember my predecessor Kylie welcoming me warmly through email – thanks COVID! I remember Colleen meeting me at the door of the KMFRC and passing me 5 heavy binders worth of training materials and her consistent check-ins. I remember the receptionists greeting me for my interview. I remember each team joking and laughing with me as if they already knew me. I remember the moment I was placed in my new team and my passion and drive ignited again after being burnt out.

The kindest thing someone has ever done for me is many things lumped into one great experience. My co-workers, who I consider friends, have gotten me through a full blown pandemic with patience, care, and most importantly kindness. The kindest thing someone has ever done for me was accepting me whole-heartedly as part of the team. Thank you to the lovely team members and management at the KMFRC for making my pandemic employment the best!

Sam Galati
Veteran Family Program Coordinator


When I was posted to Borden, I worked at the grocery store in Angus and had the late night shift.  One winter night, word had gotten around that the gas had been cut off in our subdivision due to something (I can’t remember if it was an accident or burst line).  A lady had come into the store telling us she was getting ready to head home and bundle up for the night as it was going to be a cold one.  I told her that I had two little ones at home with no space heaters so this was going to prove quite the adventure.

After I rang her groceries, she came back to find me to tell me that she had an extra space heater that we could borrow.  I explained that I didn’t have a car and couldn’t pick it up but thanked her.   She asked when the store was closing and asked me what time I walked out.  No kidding, this kind and beautiful and loving woman, came back at the end of my shift to not only drive me home but lend me a space heater for the night.

Nancy Imbeault
Reception Supervisor