What Motivates you to Ride?

Captain / Capitaine Rehan N. Ahmad, CD

  • What excites you about using an e-bike?

E-bikes have interested me since they first came out. Though I enjoy biking as an exercise and summer commuter system, I have wondered about the use of an e-bike for longer trips.

  • Why is active transportation important/interesting to you?

I use active transportation due to its convenience. As I normally live in Ottawa, transit, bicycles, and walking are the most cost effective ways to commute to work. Walking and biking is also a low impact way for me to stay active/fit. Here in Kingston, I found it easier to leave my vehicle with my family and use transit/bike for most of my travels.

Most places on base now include a space to keep a bike, making it a very effective method to move around the base, and is much faster than walking.

Sgt M.B. (Matt) Kalil, CD

  • What excites you about using an e-bike?

The ability to go further, more easily.

  • Why is active transportation important/interesting to you?

It’s an action we can take now to address some of the problems around climate change. It’s also more enjoyable than driving!

For those considering changing to biking: go for it! You don’t have to commit to “5 days a week no matter the weather”. Try one or two days a week when the weather is nice. Take it easy and enjoy being outside. Plus, zooming past a traffic jam is a pretty great feeling!

Check out the Commuter Challenge recap here