What’s Happening @ The Military C&E Museum

Just because it is winter does not mean the Museum is closed.  We are open year round!  With the end of 2019 fast approaching the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers Museum will be ending their 75th Anniversary celebration. If you have not had a chance yet, please stop by and check out its special display about its Leaders and Trailblazers from the Corps. Come on out and learn all about the Corps contributions and see the variety of weapons and vehicles they worked on. There is a chassis for an Iltis complete with its engine as well as a Leopard Turret to see!

Improbable Escapes is still running at the Museum throughout the Winter with an exciting Camp X inspired adventure. Participants are students at Camp X who must put their spy skills to the test and complete a number of spy themed puzzles. We provide you with a trench coat filled with clues and you supply the brains to solve it all! You will decode messages while you sleuth through the museum and uncover the mysteries of the past.  This is an excellent team building experience and an activity which lends itself to fun competition. Suitable for adults and children alike. Admission $12.00 per person, free with a valid K-Pass.

If playing a spy is not your thing then how about checking out Wireless Skies (all about the Curtiss JN-4 Canuck and air to ground communications in the First World War).

2020 marks the 75th Anniversary of the Liberation of the Netherlands. Starting in September 2019 and moving into May 2020 the Museum will be honouring this anniversary with a mix of Historical Lectures, special events and the grand opening of a new display all about this Liberation in the spring.

The Museum is on its winter hours starting in September and is open Monday-Friday from 11:00am until 5:00pm. It will be Admission is by donation. For all the latest news and events check out our websites: www.candemuseum.org   http://rcemecorpsgemrc.ca/