Whether It’s an Indoor or Outdoor Workout, Make it Fun!

Training in bitterly cold and icy conditions can test anyone’s motivation or level of effort. Similar to any season, winter has its own unique charm and challenges. However, with a little bit of inspiration and a small amount of planning, the ability to achieve your goals will not be lost.

Before you head indoors to train, sheltered away from the wintery winds, take advantage of the cool fresh air to power your fitness workout. Remember, outdoor activities do not need to come to an abrupt end when the snow flies. Personally, I have played the most entertaining Ultimate Frisbee games wearing snowshoes, something I will not soon forget!

Other ways to embrace cold weather workouts, build a snowman that requires strength and muscle to construct, or, try ice-skating to challenge your balance and coordination. Trekking through the snow can develop muscles you may not have used for a while, whether you are climbing hills or hiking on level ground. As with all the seasons, dress for the weather and protect yourself from the elements. Fresh air and fun memories to last a lifetime can encourage the young and young-at-heart to be active and reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. From hills to spills, snow angels to snowball fights, we can all take fitness a little less seriously and make it a whole lot more fun.

However, if training outdoors in the winter is not your idea of fun, bring your workout indoors to the Kingston Military Community Sports Centre (Base gym). Whether running on the indoor track, swimming laps in the pool, or cross training with a variety of sports, incorporating fun into a fitness routine will assist in adhering to an active lifestyle.

If you feel that you may need an extra little motivation for accountability, workout or play a game of squash with a family member or friend. Having a fitness-buddy will help you get moving and stay motivated. If training with a group is more your style, try the PSP led ‘Noon Hour Fitness’ classes Monday through Friday. These classes are open to all gym members and are designed to challenge every fitness level. No matter where you are on your fitness journey, training indoors or out, do not be afraid to be creative in the way you keep moving. Your body will thank you for it!

Article: Tammy McCaugherty, Fitness & Sports Instructor, PSP, CFB Kingston
Editor: Cheryl McKinnon, CFB Kingston