Who is your female role model?

“I’ve had a few, but my mother and maternal grandmother are the top two!

Mom was an incredibly resilient and determined woman, with an abundance of love and patience. She saw possibilities amid overwhelming obstacles, and made every moment count.

Nanny is now 92 years old, and still reading voraciously, savouring the time she spends with friends and family, and always up for a good laugh.”

“I have an amazing group of woman that I am privileged to call my friends. They are all fierce, loyal, funny and have incredible talents. They are my role models because they challenge me to be a better friend, Mom, wife and co-worker.”

“My female role model is my Mom. Even though I lost her at a young age, I still had 18 awesome years with her. We grew up quite poor and didn’t have many things, but my Mom always had food on the table for us and always had love and support for us. Every curve life threw us, we still managed to stay together. When my sibling came out as gay, she accepted him like nothing was different or changed. I remember the day she died and we were all at the funeral home and I kept thinking, who are all these people? My mom was a kind person who had many, many friends. Many loved her for who she was. It was never about whether we had a car or not, had a computer or not, it was my Mom’s kindness and love. At 18 years of age, I was still angry that she had died and I had started saying I never want to follow in my mom’s footsteps. Now that I’m older and perhaps wiser, I know that when I grow up, I want to be just like my mom.”
Nancy I