Who was Your Favorite Teacher? Why?

With September being “Back to School Month,” a couple of the KMFRC staff reminisce about some of the teacher’s that they had and what made them significant in their lives.


My grade 10 Consumer Education teacher, who was also my guidance counselor made the largest positive impact on me during my high school years. To this day certain things she said, or guidance she provided me with through high school will pop into my mind, especially when my two girls were moving forth with their decisions about post secondary school and career plans.


My favorite teacher was my grade 1 teacher, Mrs. Steel. I remember her being very patient and trying to help all the children to do their best. Five years ago, I found out she lived two streets away from my parents, so I paid her a surprise visit. When she opened the door, she looked at me for a moment and then her face lit up and she said, “Terry!” I guess I still look like I’m in grade 1. LOL.