Winter is Coming at CFB Kingston: Here are Four Ways to Stay Cozy and Efficient!

With the temperature continuing to drop, one thing is for certain: winter is coming. As the weather gets colder, it comes as no surprise that energy costs often increase during these next months. On average, the Canadian homeowner spends over $1,100 a year to heat their homes – that is approximately 60% of the average utility bill spent on heating alone! To help warm up in anticipation of the winter, here are 4 ways to reduce energy costs when the cold weather hits to keep your family and your wallet cozy!


1. Look to seal, caulk and weather strip different parts of your home.

· Did you know that drafty doors and windows can increase your home’s total heat loss?

· The easiest way to check for air leakage is to place your hand a few centimetres away from the edge of windows and doors in and around your house to see if you feel a draft.

· The best solution to eliminate these drafts is to apply weather-stripping or caulking to fill any cracks to make your home more energy efficient and comfortable.


2. Check your heating and ventilation systems.

· Make sure to change or clean your furnace filter to improve air flow and ensure warm air can flow in and out of your vents.

· Get your heating and ventilation systems serviced annually to ensure it is running as efficiently as possible.


3. Adjust your thermostats.

· A good rule of thumb is to program your thermostats to 17⁰C when you are not home, and 20⁰C when you are at home.

· Consider switching to smart thermostats, that automatically controls your home’s heating systems. Switching to smart thermostats can help you save up to 8% of your energy costs.


4. Take advantage of your curtains and the sunlight during the day.

· Opening your curtains and blinds during the daytime can take advantage of the greenhouse effect and allow the sun to naturally heat your home!

· Be sure to close them in the evening to keep heat from escaping back out of the windows.


For more tips on how to reduce your energy use, continue to follow the CFB Kingston Eco-Team on our journey to help the base become more comfortable, efficient and sustainable for all occupants!