Command Team Message – December 2023

CFB Kingston Command team. Chief warrant Officer Prendergast and Colonel Hatoon. May 2 2023, CFB Kingston.

December is a wonderful time to reflect on the year to include the struggles, changes, and accomplishments we have experienced throughout the year. We encourage you to take the time to consider everything we are grateful for: our families and friends, and the time spent together this year. We are thankful to all the soldiers, DND civilian and NPF employees and their families for coming together to serve our nation and support the Canadian Armed Forces in a world of uncertainty. This base and its local communities continue to support each other and provide a rewarding place to work and live. December marks important religious and cultural events for many of our members, including Christmas, Hanukkah, Bodhi Day, Yule, Solstice, and Kwanzaa and New Year’s. We sincerely hope all of you and your families have a great holiday season, however you celebrate, and we hope that you are all able to take some much-deserved leave to spend with family and friends.

Although the holiday season is a festive time for many, please do not forget that some of our teammates may suffer during this period. Please ensure we look after one another during the holidays and if you need help, please reach out to one of your teammates as there is no need to suffer in silence.

As your outgoing Base Commander, let me personally thank the entire CFB Kingston team, but especially those unsung heroes at PSP, the KMFRC and each of the various support units that provide the incredible support to our members and their families. I am in awe of your passion and dedication to your mission and your incredible professionalism day-in and day-out. To each and every one of you – Thank you!! Until a new Base Commander is appointed and takes command, the Deputy Base Commander, LCol Iain Clark, will assume command of CFB Kingston. I wish you all Good Shooting. UBIQUE!