Happy Holidays – Stay Safe

For all of us 2020 has been a challenging year and a year that at times seemed to last forever; but December arrived none the less. I have been continually impressed with how the Defence Team, uniformed and public service members alike, rose to the challenges presented by COVID19. Because of this dedication CFB Kingston was able to provide support to training, education and operations both foreign and domestic throughout the year.

Your units and the base have been working hard to keep everyone as safe as possible, both from health threats like COVID19 and from threats to our security. We are planning a test of the CFB Kingston Mass Notification System (MNS) this month. The system is designed to alert local Defence Team members of any Critical Incidents that might occur on or near CFB Kingston. If your colleagues receive a message but you do not, contact your unit MNS representative so that you can be aware in a crisis.

December 3 is International Day for Persons with Disabilities. This is a good time to reflect on whether your workspace provide an inclusive environment for persons with disabilities. How could it be improved? Sometimes the smallest change can make a huge difference.

This holiday season may be harder this year than in previous years, since visiting family and friends who are not in your bubble is not recommended; but technology allows us the freedom to see and speak to our loved ones, even if we cannot be with them.

I encourage you to take an extra moment to think of those away on operational deployment who cannot be with their families. If you know someone like this, or someone who is alone through the holidays, maybe you could drop them a line to see how they are doing. It could mean the world to them.

I look forward to working with you in the New Year.

Enjoy your holidays.