COVID-19 continues to affect every aspect of our lives.

It makes everything a little more difficult, and because of that, I wish to express again how impressed I am with the professionalism and dedication of the CFB Kingston Defence Team.

Our greatest threat is complacency, and a further increase in transmission is likely as colder weather forces people indoors and into closer proximity, while schools and businesses stay open. This makes preventative health measures all the more important, particularly maintaining physical distancing of two metres as much as possible and wearing a non-medical mask if this distance cannot be maintained.

However, our end goal is to maintain a healthy fighting force so we are ready to answer the call of Canadians in times of need. To do that, we must reduce the risk of contracting and spreading COVID-19. If you have not yet read the CFB Kingston Op Order 003 – Op LASER 20-01 (DWAN only), I encourage you to do so, as it contains thorough direction on local Public Health Measures and what is required of Defence Team members.

As always, November brings Veterans’ Week and Remembrance Day. This year, there is no formed CAF participation in ceremonial events off base. Your unit leadership will provide direction on individual participation at non-military events, but adherence to public health measures will be paramount in protecting the force and our image within the greater community.

You can also participate in Veterans’ Week through the National Veterans’ Week Speakers Program, which will be virtual this year. You can read more information here.

Finally, I want to remind everyone about this year’s Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign (GCWCC). There are only four weeks left but many units have not yet started their campaigns. To those who’ve participated to date, thank you. You’ve helped raise $31,343.68.

There are many more events to come. Don’t miss your chance to give back.

Planned events:

  • Mega Draw 50/50: $2 a ticket, max prize $10,000
  • Raffle: $5 a ticket. Main prize is a full Mess Kit.
  • United Way KFL&A Coat Drive: 26 Oct-7 Nov
  • Wrap-Up Event: 20 Nov, $5 for a wrap, chips and pop