Base Commander Message: Start Looking Into the Community and Take an Active Role

The transition from winter to spring is always a positive and welcome change. Last year in April, unfortunately, my statement contained a cautionary tale of COVID and reduced recreational program, but this year, I hope we can enjoy the services and resources the base offers at a full capacity. I encourage everyone to start looking into the community and take an active role. There are programs, continuously developed by the PSP and Kingston Military Family Resource Centre that you and your family can take advantage of. So, please stay tuned.

For those who have received their posting message already, you are destined for another adventure and I hope you had a memorable posting. I understand that the pandemic may have reduced your experience at this wonderful base, but you will always be welcomed back if you decide to come back to visit.

CFB Kingston continues to move forward with our professionalism, culture and conduct change as our Kingston Garrison Defence Advisory Group conducted their first unit quarterly meeting at the end of March. The local champions are taking more active roles in celebrating or observing some of these key commemorative days such as International Women’s Day and the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. This quarter, the Defense Aboriginal Advisory Group more than tripled their membership and, is now, planning the next big event. The KGDAG website is online with various resources for not only KGDAG members, but also for all Defence Team members: . I encourage all to use the comment section on the website to voice their concerns and opinions on our positive movement as this change is heavily dependent on your feedback.

The spring is here. Enjoy the outdoors, but be safe. We cannot support the core military activities without you. Your health is our strength, so I trust that we will continue to be vigilant throughout, as we slowly say goodbye to the pandemic.