Stop by the KMFRC May 6-10, 2024 for Mental Health Awareness Week!

Did you know that Mental Health Week was first introduced across Canada in 1951? We have made significant strides in the conversation and resources surrounding mental health since then, and we still have a way to go, and would love your support! Mental Health Awareness Week is an initiative by the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), and strives to encourage communication, connection, and recognition around mental health. CMHA’s vision is “a society that embraces and invests in the mental health of all people”.

This year, the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week is kindness and compassion. The tag line is “A Call to be Kind” because compassion connects us all. This not only means when relating with others, but also a kindness to yourself. We all face our own struggles and battles, and being human is hard. Recognizing how tough things are and making time to take of our mental health, is being self-compassionate and acknowledging we can’t do anything alone. Connection and kindness can be healing and is essential to strong mental health.

The KMFRC Mental Health & Wellness Team invites you to stop by the KMFRC May 6-10, 2024, to visit our Mental Health Awareness table for resources and information on how to take care of your mental health and engage in kindness and compassion to all.

The KMFRC Mental Health & Wellness Team is also available all year round to provide support to CAF family members and loved ones. We are just a call or email away at: 613-541-5010 ext 4811 or

By: Sarah McIntyre, KMFRC Mental Health and Wellness Manager