Celebrating Mother’s Day During an Absence

Mother’s Day (May 12th) is an opportunity to celebrate motherhood, usually highlighted with breakfast in bed and bouquets of flowers. But how can you show your love and appreciation when Mom is deployed? Even when Mom isn’t physically close, there are many ways to connect, celebrate, and cherish her. Here are some ideas for children and families to celebrate Mother’s Day during deployments and absences.

– When operationally possible, put together a care package for Mom, including items such as letters/cards/drawings from the children, treats, or self-care items. Be mindful of postal delays to ensure your package is there on time!

– Organize a video chat on Mother’s Day! Have a meal together, watch a movie, or play a game virtually. This helps to maintain connection and a sense of normalcy.

– Connect with other families experiencing deployment for peer support – this can be a difficult holiday for families who are separated. Reach out!

To the spouses who are away while Mom is at home with the children; pre-planning can save you stress! Arrange to have flowers delivered ahead of time, leave a gift with a friend to pass along on Mother’s Day, or plan with your kiddos to surprise Mom. This holiday can also be a challenging time for the Moms of adult children who are deployed. The same ideas can be adapted to fit your unique situation as well. Above all, know that you are not alone and that there is a network of families who have experienced deployments and absences that you can connect with and lean on during difficult times. Connect with our Military Family Navigators for family separation and reunion support and guidance by calling 613-541-5010 x 5195.

By: Danielle Gagné, KMFRC Military Family Navigator