Message From the Command Team

Base Commander Colonel Hatton, and Base Chief Warrant Officer Prendergast for Canadian Forces Base Kingston stand in front of the Headquarters building for the Base. 24 August, 2022. Photo by Wyatt Brooks.

Facilitating activities and the ability for lodger units to train while preserving strong ties with the community is one of my principal duties as commander of CFB Kingston. Member of Parliament Mark Gerretsen, Member of Provincial Parliament Ted Hsu, and Mayor Bryan Paterson’s visit last month exemplifies our aim by bringing together these key Dignitaries to discuss and highlight the Base’s potential, allow them to better understand our shared challenges, help us seek out collective solutions.

We would also like to remind you that February is Black History Month, a time when we celebrate the stories, experiences, and accomplishments of the black community in Canada. Black Canadians in uniform – a proud tradition – Veterans Affairs Canada is a great place to learn more about our Canadian history.

The strength of the Canadian Armed Forces is in the diversity of our people – their unique backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences, along with their strength and abilities. We are all unique yet connected – and inspired to serve together. Let us all take a unified stand and celebrate the individual contributions of our diverse military personnel, past and present.

The month of February also marks Family Day. No source of support is as significant as the support we receive from our families. On this special day, take the time to enjoy quality time with your family. This could be heading out for an evening or simply taking some time out of the day to do something special together. In closing, we encourage all members of the military family to embrace our values, respect one another and cherish the diversity in our ranks. Together, let us continue to create and maintain strong bonds, both inside and outside our units.

Despite the significantly increased Op Tempo, we are continually astounded by the Kingston Defense Teams efforts, hard work, resolve, and dedication.