CFB Kingston

Base Commander Message

It is hard to believe that it is September already. I hope that everyone had the opportunity to take some time to recharge their batteries over the summer. It is critically important that we take […]

CFB Kingston

Base Commander Message

I have been away from my position as Base Commander for the last few months as I was called to assist at the division level. My time at the division made me even more aware […]

CFB Kingston

Summer Greetings from the Base Commander

We have made it to the half-way point of this particularly challenging year, and I’m proud to say that our team, and our community, has risen to meet those challenges head on! We may have […]

CFB Kingston

Spring is finally here

Spring is finally here; the days are getting longer and warmer. I would like to encourage people to go outside and get moving. Unfortunately, the COVID situation has reduced the recreational programs and resources we […]

CFB Kingston

Happy Holidays – Stay Safe

For all of us 2020 has been a challenging year and a year that at times seemed to last forever; but December arrived none the less. I have been continually impressed with how the Defence […]