CFB Kingston Defence Team Spotlight on Members

Currently serving as the G34 Resources for the Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre (CADTC), Sergeant Sean Fraser is responsible for forecasting, analyzing, and allocating the training ammunition and combat rations for the CADTC’s units and schools.

Recently, he was tasked as the Coordinator for the first ever ‘Virtual Army Day’. With support from Army HQ, CADTC hosted  the event on 27 March 21 for over 700 Army RMC and Civilian University students as well as Army personnel currently on the Basic Training List (BTL). This event served as a venue for current and future Army leaders to assemble, share experiences, ask questions, and set the stage for their next bound of junior-officer career progression in the Canadian Army.

Always one to accept a challenge, he stated “I thoroughly enjoyed working on this project.  Being able to bring more than 700 future leaders together with senior Army leadership virtually was a challenge, but clearly worth our efforts.  Being able to give these people a platform so that they could get informed and engaged was well worth the hard work of the team behind the scenes.”