Service Beyond the Uniform: Military Members Unite in Volunteerism at Martha’s Table

Under the leadership of Captain Rory Johnston and in partnership with the Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC) section, members from Tactical Air Control Party (TACP), Canadian Army Doctrine and Training Centre (CADTC) G8 claims, and G5 branch successfully carried out Ex GIVING EFFECTS. This initiative included collecting and donating warm clothing and toiletries, culminating in a day of community service at Martha’s Table. Activities on this service day involved preparing meals, cleaning, and assisting some of Kingston’s most vulnerable individuals.

The team’s commendable professionalism, dedication, and friendly interactions received praise from Martha’s Table staff and volunteers. Military personnel actively participated in various tasks, such as peeling butternut squash, coordinating the warm clothing giveaway, distributing takeaway meals, and providing toiletries.

Exercise GIVING EFFECTS achieved significant success. More importantly, it provided a brief yet invaluable opportunity for us to contribute to and serve those in our community who are most in need.