CFB Kingston Defence Team Spotlight on Members

Captain Natale is the Command Support Service Delivery Officer and Unit Information Systems Security Officer, responsible for providing Information Technology support for the College Training Network (CTnet) and ensuring Information Systems security compliance, particularly during the Army Operations Course/Primary Reserve Army Operations Course curriculum delivery at the Canadian Army Command and Staff College (CACSC), at CFB Kingston. Recently he was recognized for achieving Platinum Status on the FORCE Fitness Profile, a testament to his hard work and commitment to physical fitness.

Captain Natale’s dedication to fitness remains tireless, especially impressive with the added challenge of the COVID-19 environment. At the age of 49, he uses what he calls “mental programing” to create good habits and routines with regard to nutrition and fitness. He uses high intensity interval training routines (HIIT) and compound exercises to customize his workouts. Routines that he follows religiously from Monday to Friday in his laundry room. “No matter if I am on holidays or it is another COVID lockdown, at 0615 hours I am working out pushing through my aches and pains from the days before. I have achieve Platinum many times before and it is my goal to continue to do so until the day I retire from the Canadian Armed Forces”. Since 2017, Capt Natale has been incorporating fitness and nutrition talks and presentations to his troops and subordinates in order to educate and enhance everyone’s health and fitness levels. He is a tremendous inspiration to his co-workers at CACSC.