Get Ready for the Summer Ready Fitness Challenge

Attention Defense Community, 

CAF Fitness, PSP’s national virtual fitness program has a fun virtual fitness challenge to get you ready for all that awaits you this summer! 

CAF Fitness’ Summer Ready Challenge is all about getting your body in shape for this summer!  Whether you’re looking to lose a few pounds, strengthen your muscles or stabilize your joints for all the activities that comes with the warmer weather, the Summer Ready Challenge is for you! 

Each day from May 5th – June 1st, 2024 a workout will be posted with a mystery word hidden somewhere within. 

To participate:

  1. Complete the workout of the day.
  2. Check the corresponding box and enter the correct mystery word in the provided downloadable PDF calendar.
  3. At the end of the challenge, submit your completed calendar by June 4 for a chance to win great CAF Fitness prizes! 

For full details on this fun challenge, including how to download your calendar, prizes to be won and full contest rules, visit the Summer Ready Challenge webpage.  

Most importantly, to be notified as soon as challenge videos are released, follow CAF Fitness on Facebook, Instagram and subscribe to the YouTube channel.  

Here are your easy to access links:  YouTube | Facebook | Instagram .  Share your progress so that we can be there every step of the way! Tag us in your posts and stories on social media @caffitness.facenforme 

Please note: YouTube is not available on DWAN and Instagram is best to be opened on Google Chrome). 

Coach Saul from the CAF Fitness team is super excited to have you join him in the Summer Ready Challenge!