YOUth Matter and YOUth Matter Advisory Committee

Last December, the Kingston Military Family Resource Centre (KMFRC) launched YOUth Matter to expand the services they offer military and veteran family youth. Since this launch, staff at the KMFRC have been hard at work dedicating their time to developing additional services for youth aged 13 and up.

Be sure to mark February 21 on your calendars because from 6pm to 7:30 pm, the Learn Integrate Network Know (L.I.N.K.) event will be dedicated to our youth. This will be a chance for youth to come out for pizza, socializing, and an evening geared to combatting stress. To sign up for the event go to:

There will be some exciting events to watch for this year. This will include an event to launch the Youth Connect App at the KMFRC sometime in March. This app will be available for military youth aged 9-17 and will allow them to interact with each other, play games, and attend virtual programming offered by MFRCs across Canada. There are currently 17 MFRCs involved in this app, and it is monitored continuously. More details to follow.

The KMFRC is also pleased to announce that the YOUth Matter Advisory Committee has started meeting and is actively recruiting military youth. This will give them the opportunity to plan youth friendly events, ensure that they have their voices heard in events/services offered for youth, and earn volunteer hours towards their high school diploma. If you are interested in being a committee member, please contact Youth Counsellor Theresa Brannen at for an application. This committee is in the beginning stages, please stay tuned for more details in a future issue.