Military Dads is Back

Do you identify as a Dad? Are you an active military member or have released within the last year? Are you looking to increase your connection with your children? Do you want to learn new skills and tools to enhance your parenting? Do you want to connect with other military dads who can relate to your experiences? This program might just be the perfect fit!

Military Dads is a healing and connection program that is offered in collaboration between the MFRC and Base Chaplaincy. It consists of 9 group sessions and three individual sessions where we explore the challenges of parenting and being a military member, find ways to enhance your strengths and add to your toolbox!

The goals of Military Dads are:

  • To engage military dads in the process of reflecting on their fathering and how they were fathered
  • To increase men’s awareness and application of child-centered fathering
  • To recognize and address the trauma / attachment barriers to child-centred fathering associated with their personal history and the military lifestyle
  • To empower military fathers to learn how to regulate their emotions to benefit themselves, their connection with their children and the mother of their children

What previous military dads participants have said:

“This program showed me that it is possible to be a good soldier and a good dad at the same time”

“It was really validating to hear that I am not alone and be able to share with other dads and men what I am struggling with”

“I signed up for Caring Dads hoping for less angry moments. Not only did I accomplish that, but the tools and perspectives I gained have had an immediate positive impact on myself and my family”

To learn more about the program or schedule an intake, contact Sarah McIntyre at or local 5397 and go to our website at: